Helping your Student Succeed at Doane

Being a Doane Tiger represents a significant step in your student's journey in becoming a leader. The transition to college life is a meaningful milestone in the life of a family and begins a time of independence, requiring an adjustment for parents, students, and the whole family. At Doane University we build leaders through a supportive, safe environment to live and learn.

Join our Parent Mailing List

Join our parent mailing list and receive the latest news and information from Doane University. The newsletter will provide helpful and relevant information about what is happening on campus.

Important events for Doane parents and families

Join us for these events happening at Doane and learn more by clicking on the link below.
Lisa Slaughter Fye ’97, ’01E, ’10E gives the commencement ceremony speech in Cassel on May 13, 2023

Five things’ parents and families need to know

If you don’t see an answer to your question, please reach out. Contact the Student Affairs team to ask a question. This isn't a place to get lost, it's a place to get found. Our professors and staff get to know students to ensure they receive our world-class liberal arts education. Professors are a great resource for students. Students should reach out to ask instructors for recommendations on where they can get additional help and support.

How is my student supported by their advisors?

Doane University believes in and is dedicated to assisting its students in achieving their goal of an excellent higher education. Every student is assigned an advisor based on their primary major. Your team of advisors will include a general advisor and a faculty advisor. This team will work closely with the student to provide the best overall support and discipline-specific expertise. Learn more

May I access my student’s records?

Due to the FERPA, the federal law that protects students’ privacy, the university is limited in what information it may share with parents. Students may provide access to others by granting proxy access in Doane's self-service.

How can I pay my student’s bill?

Doane offers multiple payment options. View payment options.

How do I send a package to my student in the residence halls?

Packages should be addressed to your student with a room number and complete address.

How can my student get to/from Crete?

While the university does not endorse transportation services, these are the most popular options for students to travel.

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